During my 12-year teaching, I have had lovely students, and have admired the adventure of always learning about new ways of working with a topic so that it is fantastic and fun for the child I teach.
How I teach
My mentor approach is focused on a learner: my target is always to set up an encouraging, friendly and enjoyable workspace for discovering how to do well.
I respond immediately to the requirements of every student I teach, building my teaching technique so that it fully complies with their identity and abilities.
I also have no doubt that students learn better while they're doing practical things related to their education. This means making rhymes, student presentations, drawing pictures, writing tasks, using games, and other methods of interaction, which makes learners energised and delighted referring to the object.
I train competently and effectively, quickly figuring out areas for upgrading, after that using simple pattern spotting techniques (when appropriate). I prioritise generating basic activities for the scholar develop their special understanding of the study. It is a true satisfaction to discover new and interesting manners of delivering the material so that it is always fresh and interesting for both the student and for me.
The psychology of tutoring mathematics
Through encouragement, patience, and humour, I continually strive to teach my students that they can much more than they imagine.
I keep the faith that my willingness to change teaching techniques in compliance with the necessities of scholars, subject matter, and child demographics are all important for my ability to be excellent as a trainer.
My teaching is based on the view that the only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics. While the theory is of value, the true comprehension comes through solving mathematical problems, either theoretical, computational, or both.
I have also spotted that giving assignments that have a direct relation to the scholar's personal life can improve their studying the theme and understanding its application.